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Mike Monahan Blog
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Welcome to my Blog
Now Playing: Barracuda author Mike Monahan

Welcome to my blog.  I hope to hear comments regarding my novel Barracuda.  I will answer all questions, within reason, and hope to be communicating with you soon.


Mike Monahan

Posted by mikemonahanbooks at 9:36 AM EST

Thursday, 29 May 2008 - 8:08 AM EDT

Name: "anonymous"


I will be doing a book signing in the Bronx on Saturday, May 31st.  I will be at Patrick's Pub, East Tremont Ave and Randall Ave; from 4-7pm and an oldie band will play right afterwards.  I hope to see you there.

Thursday, 12 March 2009 - 8:58 PM EDT

Name: "mike monahan"
Home Page: http://www.barracudabook.com

I was invited to speak at the Scuba Sports Club of Westchester last night. I was truly surprised to find a likable group who openly embraced an author who was trying to seel them a book.  :-) They are a garrulous pack of passionate scuba divers who were willing to let a stranger speak at their monthly meeting. In short time we found humor to be a common denominator and the rest was easy.  A few short stories, jokes and beers and I was like family. After my short, self serving speech I was nearly trampled as the club members rushed for an autographed copy of Barracuda. The club even paid for my dinner and beer.  My  friends, it doesn't get any better than this.  :-)

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